Excessive use of mobile is proving to be dangerous. Especially the youth have become mobile addicts who are also using headphones excessively. Due to this, its effect is being seen on the ears. If negligence is still shown towards the ears, then in the coming days the complaints of deafness will keep on increasing.
Therefore, it has become necessary to use mobile according to the need, only then its ill effects can be avoided. Nowadays it is being seen that even small children are using mobile excessively, and its ill effects are also being seen on children. Eyes are directly affected by excessive use of mobile phones.
Due to this children have to face problems like loss of vision at an early age, wearing glasses or increasing the number, irritation in the eyes, dryness, and fatigue, etc. Due to this, children are facing problems like eye damage, deafness as well as other types of problems. In such a situation, to avoid these, it has become necessary to use mobile limitedly, only then the ill effects of mobile can be reduced.
Using the phone for a long time continuously and till late at night causes the pupils of the eyes to shrink which has a great impact on the eyes. Due to this, a person’s near vision can become weak. Therefore, one should use the phone only after a short interval of time.
How It Affects Your Mental Health ?
Below is detailed information about what damage a mobile phone can cause to our mental health.
Eyes can be damaged
Health experts say that our eyes are very delicate and the blue light emitted from the smartphone can cause serious damage to the eyes. Since the distance between the screen and the eyes is very low while using a smartphone, due to the eyes can be damaged. The phone screen can damage the photoreceptors of the eyes. Apart from this, people may also have problems like headaches, blurred vision, and dryness in the eyes due to excessive use of the phone.
Skin problems can occur
Many studies show that various types of germs and bacteria can be present on cell phones. These pathogens can increase skin problems. When you hold the phone near your ears or cheeks to talk, the germs are transferred to your skin, which can cause spots and acne on the skin. According to doctors, to reduce such risks, the phone should be cleaned regularly with alcohol wipes.
The problem of insomnia may increaseIn a conversation with Amar Ujala, senior psychiatrist Dr. Satyakant Trivedi says that in this era of Corona, the problem of insomnia has increased a lot among people. For this also, increased screen time can be seen as the main factor. Excessive use of mobile phones can spoil our sleep pattern, which over time becomes the cause of insomnia. To avoid such problems, one should keep a distance from any kind of screen like a mobile, laptop, TV, etc. after 5 pm. Look at trees, plants, and greenery, this gives relief to the eyes and the side-effects of increased screen time can be reduced.
The factors of stress and anxiety
Dr Satyakant says, that due to excessive use of mobile phones, the problem of stress and anxiety has also increased among people. There can be mainly two reasons for this. First – Due to excessive use of mobile, your sleep pattern gets spoiled. Due to lack of sleep, the chemical changes in the brain increase the problem of stress. Secondly, the problem of cell phone addiction is also being seen in people, this can also cause a situation of anxiety and stress.
Harmful to mental health
Doctors believe that due to the increased time of screens like phones and laptops, cases of many types of mental health problems are being seen more than ever in people. Since our sleep pattern gets affected due to the phone, it can also cause mental health problems like anxiety and depression in some people. According to doctors, all people should reduce the use of any kind of screen after 5 pm.
Excessive use of mobile phones can have these negative effects on the brain
In today’s time, the mobile phone has become the solution to every problem in life.
Whether you are entertaining yourself or looking for solutions to difficult math questions, mobile has the answers to all the questions. So now let’s understand the Excessive use of mobile phones can have these 5 negative effects on the brain ;
Negatively impacts social and emotional skills
• Real-world problems require real-world solutions, not digital solutions.
• That is why do not depend on mobile for every small or big inconvenience as it can weaken your skills.
• Mobile use becomes a problem when it reduces your practical activities and interactions with others.
• This is because it reduces problem-solving skills.
Can spoil sleep patterns
• If you pay attention, you will find that using mobile phones before sleeping spoils your sleep quality and its cycle.
• This is not only due to checking social media feeds till late at night but also due to the dangerous blue light emitted by mobile phones.
• This is because it can severely reduce your melatonin levels, which helps in inducing sleep.
Can make you mentally lazy
• Now you only need to touch your mobile phone to complete your projects, instead of going to the library to find books and read them.
• Apart from this, now you do not even need to remember the phone numbers of your loved ones as they are all saved in the phone.
• For these reasons, people have become more dependent on mobile, which has a bad effect on mental health and makes you lazy.
Mobile can also affect the eyes
• If you look at your phone continuously for a long time without any interruption, it can cause myopia.
• Myopia is an eye disease in which you can see nearby objects clearly, but distant objects appear blurred.
Be careful if you use your smartphone too much, These problems can happen
Excessive use of smartphones is similar to misuse and addiction to things. People who use the phone excessively feel very isolated. Such people feel lonely, sad, and anxious. This has been revealed in a study. According to the study, people who use smartphones excessively, constantly get lost in the phone between activities and are unable to keep their focus. There is a need to create awareness about the correct use of the phone as such addiction makes us mentally tired and does not let us rest.
Excessive use of smartphones is similar to misuse and addiction to things. People who use the phone excessively feel very isolated. Such people feel lonely, sad, and anxious. This has been revealed in a study. According to the study, people who use smartphones excessively, constantly get lost in the phone between activities and are unable to keep their focus. There is a need to create awareness about the right use of the phone as such addiction makes us mentally tired and does not allow us to relax.
Does being on the phone all the time affect mental health? Know the problems caused by phone habit ;
Memes or messages can bring a smile to your face, but too much screen time can have a bad effect on your health. It is not that only children are spending most of their time with the screen. If the statistics are to be believed, adults are also spending most of their time online. Being on the phone all the time can also cause brain damage to children. Smartphone sales have increased a lot in the last decade. And most of the phone users are young people. In 2011, only 35 percent of people had a mobile, but in 2019 this number has increased to 81 percent. Now everyone can see a phone in their hands.
If you use the phone all the time, know what will be the effect on the brain… How much screen time is good for health?
In today’s time, mobile is such a weapon that almost everyone has. There is no doubt that mobile has a lot of use in our daily life. In many ways it makes our life easier, it does some work in a jiffy. But as we know, every positive thing has some negative side to it. Today, such features have come in mobile phones which can be used very easily. But its other side is that it is very easy to get addicted to it. It often happens that people keep using their phones without any reason, and watch reels. The algorithm of the mobile has been designed in such a way that it is very common to get addicted to using the phone.
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