Life & Style

Digital Dementia Symptoms and Prevention Strategies


In the modern world, our reliance on digital products has increased incredibly in the last few years. Everybody is using smartphones and has access to numerous social media and websites. But overuse of these digital products can lead to a cognitive problem known as Digital Dementia. 

It is the condition in which an individual suffers from memory related problems, cognitive decline, and many other issues due to increased levels of instant dopamine. Hence, while taking the use of digital products for benefits, it’s important to understand the side-effects of those products. 

Understanding the prevention strategies and symptoms are critical for maintaining a good cognitive health.


Here are some symptoms that people with Digital Dementia notice, if you suffer from these problems then it’s important to take some major steps to avoid any further health issues.

Forgetting Mobile Number And Passwords

Our brain is capable of remembering thousand word long essays and solving critical maths equations. But due to the increased amount of digital reliability, people may suffer memory issues like forgetting mobile numbers and passwords resulting in a short memory span. With the convenience of saving everything in digital form, people are less using their brain for remembering things.

Difficulty In Remembering Events Or Appointments

As we have calendars in our fingertips, people are less careful in remembering events and appointments. Digital Dementia can weaken the memory power due to which it’s difficult to remember dates and events.

Lack Of Focus

It’s the most common symptom of digital dementia. Due to high reliance on digital products which gives us instant dopamine, it has taken our focus and concentration. Due to repetitive notifications and easy to access entertainment, it has become more difficult to concentrate on real tasks which may lead to procrastination. 

Short videos have incredibly affected our brain cells to reduce our focus span, and the mind looks for repetitive gratification. It is the leading cause of Digital Dementia.

Anxiety Without Digital Devices

We are so much dependent on digital devices that it causes anxiety and uneasiness without those devices. Many people suffers from anxiety when they can’t access their smartphones which is a symptom of Digital Dementia.

Lack Of Social Interaction

Due to increased used of digital devices, people feeling comfort locked-up and miss meetings. They prefer calls, messages, and video calls over real face-to-face communication. It may affect our social life and confidence levels while talking to people in real. As humans are made to connect with other people for various reasons, digital reliability is weakening the natural circle of life which leads to different health and mental issues.

Prevention Strategies

Now we have understood the symptoms of Digital Dementia, now it’s important to understand the prevention strategies to avoid Digital Dementia:

Set Limits

You can set the time limit of using digital devices. It will help you to be conscious of yourself and reduce the dependency of digital devices. Encourage more offline activities, and get involved in social gatherings for self improvement instead of scrolling for eight hours on a smartphone. 

Many people binge-watch for 12 hours straight which is a leading cause of digital dementia. Hence, you should set your limits of using digital devices.

Engage in Mentally Stimulating Activities

There are many offline mentally stimulating activities that will naturally release dopamine in your body and reduce the dependency on digital devices. Activities like reading, cycling, learning new skills, solving puzzles, playing chess, travelling, and working on your hobby are some natural ways for mental stimulation. It will drastically sharpen your mind and help to avoid the symptoms of Digital Dementia.

Practice Meditation And Mindfulness

Meditation is the practice that has been used for decades and is beneficial for your overall mind and body. Practising Mindfulness and meditation maintains the dopamine levels in your brain and helps to focus on the present moment. It is used to reduce stress levels and helps to increase your concentration and memory power.

Get Involved In Social Interaction

Enjoy the life moments with your friends, give time to your family members, get involved in some social gatherings and functions. These activities will help you to improve emotional well-being and enjoy life in real sense. Maintaining relationships in real life is incredibly beneficial for human beings and helps to maintain cognitive health.

Take Regular Digital Detoxes

How much time can you spend without any digital device? Maybe some minutes or hours. It shows how much we are dependent on digital devices and social media. And that’s why Digital Dementia is increasing in people everyday.

So, it’s important to take regular digital detoxes to cleanse your mind and focus. Take frequent breaks of one day or one week, and live without any digital device. It may be uncomfortable at first, but if you win in this digital detox, then it will allow your brain to rest and reset which reduces the risk of digital dementia.

Additional Tips

Here are some addition key points to keep on mind:

Use Technology As Advantage

Humans created technology, so it’s important to take over the digital era. It has been made to make our life more comfortable, not worse. To take advantage of technology, you may utilise apps which track time, and help you to remember important dates and events. It will help you to manage time without becoming reliable on digital devices.

Exercise Regularly

Get involved in physical activities like exercise, running, or walking. Exercising for at least half an hour everyday is incredibly beneficial for your health and wellbeing. It boosts brain health, memory power, and cognitive function. Daily workout helps to reduce the risk of digital dementia and makes you active. Exercising releases antioxidants like dopamine and endorphins which makes you feel positive without any reliance on digital devices.

Maintain A Healthy Diet

Due to increased use of digital devices, people spend hours on computers and mobile screens. Many people have work which involves the use of digital products which results in bad health. In this state, it’s important to maintain a proper nutritious diet to make your body work properly without any hindrance. Prioritise a balanced diet and avoid health issues like digital dementia.

Take Proper Rest

Blue light in digital devices has affected our sleep cycle and rest. Hence, it’s important to take proper rest and get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day. People use mobiles before bed and sleep late which is the cause of bad sleep cycles. And not taking proper sleep may reduce your work ability and focus. So take proper sleep, and try to avoid screens one hour before bed time.


Digital Dementia is increasing across the world due to high dependency on digital devices. By recognising the symptoms and digital dementia and taking proper prevention strategies, you can avoid the danger of Digital Dementia. So take a step today towards your healthy life and protect your cognitive health. Technology is made to make our living easier, but it is making life more difficult, so take advantage of technology instead of getting used to it. Hope this article has added some value in your life and you will apply the preventive majors to avoid digital dementia.

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