Due to irregular routines and bad habits, many problems start in your body. If even a little time is taken out in the day for deep breathing exercises, then you can protect the body from many diseases. The act of deep breathing relieves stress and relaxes your mind and body.
Along with this, deep breathing also gives you good sleep. To get the benefits of deep breathing exercises, you need to know about the correct technique. By taking deep breaths with the right technique, you start feeling its benefits soon.
Looking at its better reactions on the body, in this article you have been told in detail about the “benefits of deep breathing“. Along with this, an attempt has been made to tell you in detail about the method of deep breathing, how to take a deep breath the method of deep breathing, etc.
Method and method of deep breathing
To get the benefits of deep breathing, you have to understand its correct method, because you get full benefit only by taking deep breaths in the right way. Know its correct method in detail further:
For this, you have to lie down on your back on the ground or bed. While doing this, keep a pillow on your head and knees. If you do not want to lie down, then you can also start this exercise while sitting, but keep in mind that while sitting, you sit on a chair in which your back, shoulders, and neck get support.
• After sitting or lying down comfortably, slowly fill your stomach with air by breathing through the nose.
• After this, slowly exhale the air from the nose.
• While doing this activity, keep one hand on the stomach and the other hand on the chest.
While breathing slowly, feel the process of filling air in the stomach. Also, while exhaling, feel the stomach going down. While taking a deep breath, the hand placed on the stomach goes up and down more than the hand placed on the chest.
What to pay attention to
• The images that emerge in your mind while taking a deep breath help you relax.
• Keep your eyes closed during this.
• Take some deep and long breaths in the beginning.
• Experience peace while breathing and you should feel the same for your whole body.
• While exhaling, feel the stress and anxiety going out with the air.
• There should be equal time for inhaling and exhaling. For this, count to 5 in your mind while inhaling and do the same while exhaling. This helps in equalizing the time of inhaling and exhaling.
• Do not exert too much force while inhaling and exhaling.
• Wear loose clothes while doing this exercise.
• Keep repeating this process for about 10 to 20 minutes.
Benefits of deep breathing
Deep breathing detoxifies the body
The body has to face many types of toxins every day, which can include a polluted environment, contaminated water, and food. The body cleanses itself by removing these toxins through breathing. If you do not breathe deeply, then the body’s ability to remove toxins is reduced. Due to this other systems of the body have to work harder to clean the blood and due to this the person becomes ill. When you inhale and exhale deeply, many types of toxins also get expelled along with carbon dioxide.
Deep breathing increases oxygen level
When you breathe deeply, you feel relaxed and this ensures that oxygen reaches the cells of the body in the right amount. Cells need naturally obtained oxygen. Our body can survive without eating for about 40 days and without water for 3 days, but by not breathing for a few minutes our body becomes dead. Adequate oxygen obtained by deep breathing increases the efficiency of all the functions of your body. In this way, you also feel better about your concentration and physical stamina.
Deep breathing reduces stress
Shallow breathing is related to stress and anxiety. While fighting or before a fight, the body feels insecure, due to which the person starts taking light and small breaths. Due to small breaths, a person starts having problems of anxiety, fear, and hyperventilation (rapid breathing) and this happens because the person’s body is getting ready for danger. To avoid stress and anxiety, take deep breaths. This helps your body get enough oxygen and you become worry-free. Deep breathing also normalizes your heartbeat, which makes you feel calm. If you have anxiety and fear-related disorders, then deep breathing gives you relief in the current situation.
Deep breathing improves the respiratory system
Deep breathing relaxes the diaphragm and breathing muscles. Along with this, deep breathing reduces respiratory problems like asthma and shortness of breath. Through this process, the tension in the muscles between the ribs, the bones between the shoulder and ribs, the spine, neck, and shoulder muscles which help in standing, is reduced and the tightness of the chest also reduces.
Deep breathing is beneficial for the heart
Most people do not know that deep breathing is also a good exercise for the body. If you do not exercise regularly or are unable to exercise due to some health problem, you can still get the benefits of many exercises by breathing deeply for some time every day. Deep breathing increases the working capacity of your heart and fat starts reducing easily. If you practice deep breathing along with other exercises, then this also shows positive effects on the functioning of your heart. A study was done on some people who had a heart attack. This study found that those who adopted exercise and other breathing techniques after a heart attack had a 50 percent reduced risk of heart attack again during the next five years.
Deep breathing improves the digestive system
Deep breathing increases blood circulation in the digestive system. Due to this, the function of the intestines increases and the digestion process becomes better. Problems like irritable bowel syndrome and constipation are eliminated due to improved digestion. Your mood also has a profound effect on your digestive system and appetite. Deep breathing reduces stress and anxiety and improves your digestion.
Deep breathing helps in controlling weight
Deep breathing helps in controlling weight. If you are underweight, then deep breathing provides sufficient oxygen to the tissues and cells and keeps your weight normal. If you are overweight, then a proper level of oxygen helps in reducing your excess fat. When you take small breaths, instead of reducing the fat in the body, glycogen starts getting destroyed.
Beneficial for the heart
Deep breathing increases the efficiency of your heart and you can easily reduce fat. According to a study, people who adopted deep breathing techniques after a heart attack had a 50 percent reduced risk of having a heart attack again in the next five years. Therefore, heart patients should practice deep breathing regularly.
Improves digestion
Deep breathing supplies more oxygen to all parts of the body, including the digestive system, allowing it to function well. The increased blood flow due to deep breathing also improves the functioning of the intestines, which improves the digestive process.
The right way to breathe
The latest study published in the scientific journal, J Neuroscience, has made the shocking discovery that people who breathe with an open mouth have a much weaker memory than those who breathe only through their nose.
For this research, scientists conducted experiments on two groups of young people and compared the activity going on in the brains of those who breathe through the nose and mouth.
Researchers say that their experiments show that when we breathe through the nose, there is communication between the sensory organs and the memory network inside the brain, which improves our memory.
Breathing through the nose improves memory encoding and the ability to remember things in memory, while also helping in storing large amounts of information in memory.
Breathing through the nose is also good because it filters the pollution present in the environment and does not reach our lungs, while oxygen is absorbed better in our blood, and breathing through the nose is also good for heart health.
Experts say that if you breathe with your mouth open, it causes a lot of problems for your health, especially for the health of the heart, lungs, and brain.
Powerful Deep Breathing Exercises
Box Breathing
A simple deep breathing technique is known as box breathing. It is so named because the four steps of this exercise form the shape of a box.
To begin box breathing, sit or stand with your back straight. Or, if you prefer, you can lie down with your arms at your sides. Choose whichever position feels most comfortable to you.
• Close your eyes if you feel comfortable.
• Take a moment to relax your shoulders, release any tension in your jaw, and allow your body to settle. Then follow the steps below.
• Breathe in slowly and hold for a count of four. If you like, place your hands on your belly and feel it expand like a balloon.
• After you breathe in, hold your breath for a count of four.
• Breathe out slowly and steadily through your mouth, counting to four in your mind.
• After you exhale, hold your breath for a count of four.
• Go back to step 1 and repeat the process for as long as you want.
4-7-8 Breathing Technique
This technique is based on an ancient yogic breathing method called pranayama. Although there isn’t a lot of scientific research on 4-7-8 breathing, people say it helps them deal with stress and fall asleep faster.
To begin the 4-7-8 breathing exercise, sit comfortably with your back straight. Or, if you’re using this exercise to help you fall asleep, lie down instead.
Throughout the session, your tongue should rest gently on the roof of your mouth, just behind your upper front teeth.
When you’re ready, follow the steps below.
• Breathe in quietly through your nose for a count of four.
• Hold your breath in for a count of seven.
• Breathe out forcefully through your mouth for a count of eight, making a ‘whoosh’ sound as you exhale. This may be easier if you close your lips.
• Go back to step 1 and repeat the process three more times, for a total of four rounds.
• If you are a beginner, you may feel a little dizzy at first. This is normal. In the beginning, you should only practice four rounds at a time. As you get used to the exercise, you can do it up to eight times.
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Like 4-7-8 breathing, alternate nostril breathing is based on yogic breathing practices. That doesn’t mean you need to do yoga to try it. Alternate nostril breathing can be practiced.
Research shows that regular nasal breathing for 30 minutes a day can help reduce your stress. Other studies show it also helps lower your heart rate, reduce blood pressure, promote feelings of well-being, and improve lung function.
To begin alternate nostril breathing, sit comfortably on the floor or a chair, keeping your back straight but relaxed. Then follow the steps below.
• Using your right thumb, close your right nostril by gently pressing it.
• Take a slow, effortless deep breath through your left nostril.
• Close your left nostril with your right ring finger and take your thumb out of your right nostril. Exhale slowly through your right nostril.
• Keeping your left nostril closed, breathe in through the right nostril. Then close this nostril again.
• Open your left nostril and exhale through it.
• Go back to step 1 and repeat the process for as long as you want.
Also Read:The Role of Hormones in Weight Management
Both yoga and pranayama are methods of staying healthy. Both have a wide impact on physical and mental health. Those who do yoga and pranayama in the right way and those who have taken training from a trained yoga teacher, of them understand the importance of breathing in and out in these disciplines. Before starting yoga and during meditation, the mind is calmed and concentrated by taking deep breaths. So that you can connect with yourself through yogasana. So friends, this was our article today, let’s meet with another such good art